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Counselor Wellness Community

Does The Egg Really Choose The Sperm?
Eggs meet sperm, fertilization occurs, babies are formed. Simple? Not really! Get introduced to the notion of feminine receptivity, or the freedom of choice for women. Narrowing it further, the female eggs actually do choose. the “egg engages in a dialog with the sperm rather than locking it down.” So, fertilization is not actually a conquest, but more like a fair race. Eggs meet sperm, fertilization occurs, babies are formed. Simple? Not really! Get introduced to the notion of feminine receptivity, or the freedom of choice for women. Narrowing it further, the
female eggs actually do choose. Race? Oh wait! It was never a race since the winner has already been decided. In simple language, the egg has already chosen the type of sperm that it will allow to enter. As researched and explained by scientists eggs are submissive and docile, but a key player in the process of reproduction. And against the popular notion that sperm races toward the egg, it’s actually the other way around. To learn about ways to help with ovulation, refer to your holistic counselor.
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